More Accurate Wind Maps

Crowdsourcing Actual Measurements From Other Vessels is Transforming Marine Weather

*iOS update soon.

Wind Measurements or Satellite Imaging?

The marine weather forecast comes from satellite imaging. It is only a prediction, and is only updated every 6 hours. In the satellite forecast, wind direction has an average error of +/- 35 degrees offshore, and even worse in coastal areas where the wind flows around landforms.

Weather satellites are 500 to 22,000 miles up in space. The resolution from satellite imaging is low, only telling you one wind direction for each cell, typically 15 x 15 nautical miles. But everyone knows that the wind is not the same everywhere within a cell that large.

We Map Wind Flow with Real Measurements

The SailTimer crowdsourcing platform collects wind data from recreational boats, ships, and public sources like weather buoys.

Send NMEA data to your chartplotter, smartphone, or tablet with the Air Link.

Get Wind Maps on Your Smartphone

The more crowdsourced data we get, the better our maps of wind flow get. This is why we do not need to have real-time data available in every location.

Even in a region with few users, they can collect data along an entire coastline during one season. That shows how a wind from e.g. West flows down a channel or around a point.

Then if you want to know what the wind and sea state will be next Tuesday afternoon before heading out, if the satellite forecast is from the West at that time, you see precise contour lines for wind flow at that time.

For All Types of Boats Out on the Water

Crowdsourced Wind Maps Have Never Been Possible -- Until Now!